Dear students,
I have been looking at some of your personal electronic files and I would like to address those of you who have been rather conscientious in your filing so far.
Even among the most conscientious students, I have noticed that there is insufficient organisation of your files. You have simply parked all or most of your files in the existing master folders I have created for you. This will eventually result in an untenable mess as the number of files you have continue to increase. As a good housekeeping practice, you need to periodically reorganise your files into sub-folders. And you are free to create your own under the existing master folder structure I have set up for you!
If you are clueless about how this can be done, refer to the class materials folder. Take a look for example at the writing folder found here. You can simply follow the structure I have set up to organise my materials for the class.
For those of you who are not keeping up with your filing, please start to do so after your common tests. I will be doing another round of checks from Week 9 onwards and I will contact your parents directly this time if I find that your file is not up to scratch. It is important that you maintain your files because you need your materials for revision.