Sunday, 28 June 2015

Use of Mindmeister for sharing of mindmaps

In preparation for the GCE O-level Oral Exam and essay paper, we will be building up your content knowledge as a class. I have created a new folder where materials will be added gradually. The folder can be found here

We will be using Mindmeister rather frequently but you are not required to purchase the license for the app. I will convert all mindmaps produced by the class into images and upload them on the folder above. 

However, please note that you are only given 3 mindmaps for the free account. Therefore, you are required to ensure that by Friday each week, you have at least 1 free mindmap available for your SST email account. I will be using this account to invite you to collaborate on the class mindmap. 

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Preparation for Term 3 Week 1

Survey on holiday homework
Please complete a very short holiday homework survey found here by 29 Jun (Mon) 2359h.

Lesson 1
Bring your LD to class with your holiday homework mindmap on Science and Technology. Bring writing paper as well. 

Lesson 2
Ensure that you have completed the ACS (Barker) Prelim 2014 paper given as holiday homework and mark your work. Complete the survey here by 29 Jun (Mon) 2359h. 

Lesson 3
No further preparation needed