Sunday, 30 August 2015

Prelim Feedback and Situational Writing Practice

Prelim Feedback
Please refer to the following links for the answers to the editing section and the Listening Comprehension Section. You are the only classes which have not been returned these sections in class and you will get them on Mon when we are checking the other sections. Please use this to check your answers to ensure that they were marked correctly. 

Situational Writing Practice
This will be the last piece of marked situational writing piece you are writing in Secondary School. Please do the 2014 GCE O-level situational writing piece found here

1) Your response must be typed written on Google Doc in Arial Font, Font size 12. You should have a margin of 2.5cm all around. Leave a blank line when you start a new paragraph. Submissions in the wrong file format will not be marked.

2) You should write no more than 500 words. This is in line with the 2014 Cambridge examiner report that students who "...wrote in excess of the suggested word limit...did not necessarily increase the effectiveness of the content and frequently resulted in a rushed or incomplete Section C."

3) Upload your response here 

Update on Project Ace and Project Beta 2nd submission
Those of you who submitted for the second submission for Project Ace and Project Beta, I intend to mark it and return it to you. You will get it back in time before I set the very final piece of written work for the class. My apologies for the delay. 

Saturday, 22 August 2015

Preparation for Term 3 Week 9

For Lesson 1 and Lesson 2, we will be doing preparation for the GCE O-level oral examination. No preparation is required. Please note that Lesson 2 will take place on 26 Aug (Wed) first period. 27 Aug (Thu) first period will be Bio instead.

For Lesson 3, we will be doing feedback for Prelim Paper 1 Section B. Please read, analyse and grade the following sample before coming for lesson. 

Lesson 1
We will be doing feedback for Prelim Paper 1 Section B. Please read, analyse and grade the following sample before coming for lesson. 

Lesson 2
For each of the following questions from the GCE O-level 2014 paper, prepare a complete essay plan.

1. Which features of Singapore and its citizens make it a major tourist attraction for people from all over the world?

2. Which person has the greatest influence on your life at the present time, and why?

3. 'The best things in life are free.' Write about some of the occasions when you have found this to be true. 

Saturday, 1 August 2015

Pre-prelim comprehension package

Dear students,

The answers to the comprehension practice package distributed in class can be found here. You can find the question papers in the same folder if you need them.

Two papers do not contain Section A. They came to us that way, with missing pages. So it is not a printing error.

This set of 5 practice papers should last you till Term 3 Week 9. You should aim to complete 3 papers before prelims as revision, and do the other 2 after prelim.