Dear students,
If you receive more than one email from me for the week, the email to look out for would be the one with the word "Preparation" in the subject line, like this one.
Reading Tasks
Please find the article for this week's reading task here.
You are to submit the reading tasks by the deadline stipulated in the Admin Guide. Please follow closely the guidelines stated. Upload your reading tasks under the folder T1W01. (Some of you submitted the class work "The Case Against Competition" in that folder. I have removed these submissions as this article is not considered homework).
The Reading Tasks for subsequent weeks will be given earlier in the week.
Preparation for Lesson
Here's the schedule for T1W02:
1st lesson with the class:
No preparation needed. Bring your LDs
2nd lesson with the class:
Do a detailed essay plan for the question you did not attempt for the diagnostic test. You are expected to be familiar with the materials in your Dec Holiday Fun Pack Activity 2 for this lesson.
You need to show evidence of your preparation.
100 min lesson:
Refer to the email I sent to the whole cohort or the post on the cohort Facebook group
Marked work
I have given feedback for the sample texts we did not manage to complete in class for the fallacies handout. You can find the file in the "Thinking Skills" folder, under the folder for fallacies.
Things that should be in your personal Electronic file
For this week, you should have the following files in your personal Electronic file:
1) The materials for holiday homework Fun Pack 1.
2) Your copy of the fallacies student handout.
3) The article "The Case Against Competition"
4) The photos of Task 1 to 3 we did in class.
Outstanding work
Some groups have yet to complete the follow-up work for the fallacies lesson which I mentioned in a previous post. Please complete the work by Monday.
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