Saturday, 30 May 2015

June Holiday Homework and Project Ace reminder

Project Ace reminder
You are reminded that Project Ace is due this weekend as mentioned in the blog post here. Those taking the MTL exams, you may submit on Wed after your exams.

As instructed in class, you are to make use of the skills learnt in Creative Persuasion this week (see slides here) to improve your essay. You should at least aim to make your introduction and conclusion interesting, and have a 12 word persuasion to end your essay. If you need to revise the basics of writing introduction and conclusion, click here. If you need to revise the creative methods taught just before you mid year exams, click here

June Holiday Homework
1. Comprehension Practices
I have distributed 10 sets of comprehension practices in class. You are to complete all 10 sets during the holidays and mark your own work (do 1 comprehension paper every 3 days). The answers can be found here

2. Mindmap
The objective of this project is to prepare you for some of the common essay and oral topics that are tested in the GCE O-level examination. Your detailed mindmaps will help you to deal with any questions in the prepared topics if they are tested.They will help you cut down on thinking time needed and help you to generate ideas. Please refer to the instructions found here

3. Project Beta (Second Submission) 
The second submission for Project Beta is due in Term 3 Week 1. Please pay attention to the instructions found here, particularly point 3, 4 and 5 (which were often ignored), and point 7 (which I just added). Upload your completed essay to the relevant folders found here. Note that
(a) you are not allowed to change the question you wrote for your first submission.
(b) you are to work on the feedback given for your first submission and make improvements. Failure to do so may result in your essay not being marked.
(c) students who did not submit the first time round should choose a question and submit for this submission.

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